A Day Exploring Contemporary Photography10 am — 4:30 pm Sunday, February 3, 2008 Remis Auditorium
Laura McPhee Mattie with Bourbon Red Turkey, Laverty
Ranch, Custer County, Idaho, November 2004
Large-Format Color Photography in Today’s Art MarketLearn about large-format photography from an artist, a printer/fabricator, and a gallery owner: Boston photographer Laura McPhee recently exhibited forty large-scale photographs at the MFA; Marc Elliott, partner in Boston-based Color Services Company made them; and Bernard Toale sells them. Participate in a lively discussion of scale in today's art market
A Photographer SpeaksGain insight into Lalla Essaydi’s creative process, from her childhood experiences in Morocco to her return there to document her home. She explains how she uses the female body, the veil, and Arabic calligraphy in her work as a way to represent Arab culture to the West.
Lalla Essaydi (Moroccan)
Duty Free, 2005
oil on canvas
Courtesy of the artist
Looking with CuratorsCurators Karen Haas, William Stover, and Anne Havinga lead an exploration of German and Japanese photography in the exhibitions "Contemporary Outlook: German Photography: and "Contemporary Outlook: Japan," as well as an up-close look at photographs from the MFA collection.
The Inside Story of Elton John's Photography CollectionFeaturing works from 1916 to the present, Sir Elton John's collection of 5,000 photographs includes work by Man Ray, Robert Mapplethorpe, Irving Penn, and Horst P. Horst. Curator Jane Jackson reviews the methodology, themes, and history of Elton’s collecting, as well as his recent acquisitions.